MMX: Do you make a special kit to race in for the BWR?
Ummmmm……D-U-H. Back in my triathlon days, I always designed myself a special race kit and BWR is no different. The goal is to design something unique in my favorite BWR base color—white. Wearing white in BWR is really funny. Who wears a white kit? They are not flattering but look soooo sharp. The irony of riding in white on dirt with sweat + sunscreen is hysterical. The last few years I’ve done a custom white version of our Betty Squad kits.
This year I will be riding in a skin suit. Seriously.
MMX: Who most inspires you athletically? Artistically? Spiritually?
Inspiration is tough. It comes when it comes and you can’t force it. Sometimes I come up with 2 collections in a weekend and sometimes it just isn’t flowing. Unfortunately I don’t get to choose when it comes or what inspires me. Last week I took an inspiration for a kit from the HD screensaver on the Apple TV. It is everywhere and it is nowhere.
So, artistically, there is no single who person that inspires me. In general, however, it is fashion. High fashion, couture, and streetwear. When it isn’t flowing, I dive into international editions of Vogue + my trend service and get lost for days. I’ve got bookcases of rad design and photography books.
Athletically, I am also all over the place chasing shiny things. It has to do with who is standing out in their particular sport in the moment, kicking ass, and having a presence that stands out from their competitors. Sometime it’s the current female World Cup Alpine points leader, the hottest guys in the Netflix Formula 1 Series, or one of my ambassadors that accomplishes something for the first time. There really isn’t a single who that inspires me athletically. It is everyone and it is no-one at the same time.
Spiritually, I grew up on the east coast, was baptized in the Greek Orthodox church, and was mandated to attend weekly Sunday school so that is in there as a baseline. I don’t practice any sort of formal religion but I do believe in what many now consider cliche like The Ten Commandments, basic principles of being a good human, and Karma. In a nutshell, try to be at the best I can be, improve on yesterday, and whatever guides me in that direction, I use for inspiration.